About Us

Our passion "driving sustainability, building healthy ecosystems"

We are a diverse set of professionals, from different cultural and educational backgrounds. Enriched by decades of work experience across different domains, we are now united as one at GreenDNA. Our commitment to becoming the change we want to see around us has brought us to this juncture where we want to do our bit to preserve our Earth and undo some of the impacts of mankind's unsustainable behaviors.

Our passion towards "Driving Sustainability, Building Healthy Ecosystems" is not merely a symbolic gesture; rather, it is driven by a deep rooted Indian ethos, which inextricably binds mankind to nature and lays the foundation for modern day concepts of sustainable development.

With the critical realization that "what we do to nature is eventually what we do to ourselves", we have set out to help preserve the fragile web of Earth's systems through GreenDNA® . We invite you to join us in this endeavor and support our vision to develop and deploy environmentally and socially sustainable means of production and consumption. Together, we can take small, yet green steps today that will reap benefits not only for present but future generations as well.

Md. Akhtar Ali brings with him 25 years of experience of successfully establishing and running an IT company. This, coupled with his deep interest in agriculture led to the idea of setting up a technology enabled farming business. His passion has translated into a certified organic farm that nurtures the ecosystem, supports local livelihood and produces healthy food for urban consumers. His larger vision was to work in sync with the environment, using natural resources in such a way as to meet long term sustainability goals. He envisioned the start-up to contribute to training farmers in technology based organic farming and helping them become entrepreneurs in their own right. His emphasis on local sourcing has provided a platform to marginal farmers to sell their produce at profitable rates.

Rupesh Venugopal is a technology-centric professional with more than 25 years of experience in the IT domain. He has been instrumental in bringing digital transformation in GreenDNA. Responsible for undertaking automated and process-oriented tasks, he has successfully integrated technology into all aspects of farming. His emphasis on leading a healthy lifestyle has led him to spearhead the organic movement, not only in GreenDNA but also amongst farmers and the community at large. He is the brain behind most of our green initiatives, that help us minimize our environmental footprint.

Dr. Shamama Afreen is an academic and a practitioner, who believes in the inextricable linkages between humans and the environment, and the delicate balance that drives sustainable living. A Fellow of the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Calcutta, she has been a faculty at IIM Lucknow, where her teaching centred around different aspects of Business Sustainability. She was also a Visiting Faculty at the Centre for Society and Policy in Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Dr. Afreen’s long-standing interest in green entrepreneurship saw a natural culmination in her involvement with the conception and establishment of GreenDNA. Her major focus here has been to chart a path for the organization that compromises neither human health nor the environment in any way. Confronted with the gaps in the legal framework impacting environmental issues, she has enrolled for Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Law from National Law School of India University, Bengaluru for enhanced skilling. As a Council Member of The Sustainability Platform, she is also involved in developing and delivering online courses in the area of sustainability.

Our Approach


Organic agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of the soil, ecosystem and people. It relies on the ecological process, bio diversity cycles adapted to local conditions rather than the use of inputs which lead to adverse effects.

Sustainable farming practices complements the organic agriculture in the production of food, fiber or other plant and animal produce and in parallel achieve the below goals.

  • Environmental Health - Sustain and enhance the health of biological ecosystems
  • Economic Profitability – Help the farmer sustain financial needs
  • Social and Economic Equality – Engage and include the local community
  • Food Security – Access to Sufficient, Safe and Nutritious food meeting their dietary needs and
            preferences for an active and healthy life

Our practices


Sustainable crop production is a way of growing food in an ecologically, transparently and ethically responsible manner. It rests on the principle that we must meet the needs of the present without compromising on the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Keeping a check on excess or unwarranted usage of natural and human resources is of prime importance.

There is a saying – "If one wants to be happy forever, be a FARMER". The happiness we derive from growing produce and protecting mother earth is eternal and invaluable one.

At our farm, we always keep in mind about the effects of our farming practices on the natural resources (soil, water, air and energy), the quality of produce, the local community, animal welfare and the wider environment. Our farming methods strive to maintain and improve the productivity while encouraging and enhancing natural biological processes. In simple words, we produce farm food without hurting the natural eco system, without hurting mother earth and ensuring the health of the soil, air, water and energy is protected and enriched. Here are proven agricultural methods we have practiced to ensure that the food we grow is Organic, densely nutritious, safe and wholesome

  • Using Compost manure, Green Manure that are prepared within the farm as much as possible
  • Pest Management by Growing Crop rotation and Companion Planting
  • Sowing as per the climate and geo location of the farm
  • Build Soil fertility through the use of cover cropping, crop rotation and supplemental soil nutrients prepared using farm inputs
  • Using Green/Clean energy wherever required (Solar, Biogas)
  • Rain Water Harvesting and Collection to enhance the ground water levels

Our Portfolio

What we are doing.
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    Soil Management

    Soil is the Nurturer of the plant, animal and human ecosystem on mother Earth. Soil is the beginning of a life and the end as well. .

    Water Management

    Water is the most precious natural resource that is Finite and non-renewable.It is needed to support ecosystems.

    Renewable Energy

    Energy Consumption is inevitable in our daily life. We eat, travel and work with energy. Even our recreation or rest needs energy.

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    Nutrition Management

    Without essential nutrients, plants cannot grow to their full potential and be more prone to disease.

    Dairy Development

    Coming soon...

    Compost development

    Coming soon...

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    Pest Management

    Understanding the dynamics of ecological balance helps manage pest naturally.

    e-waste management

    Coming soon...