Soil Management

Soil is the Nurturer of the plant, animal and human ecosystem on Mother Earth.
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Soil is the Nurturer of the plant, animal and human ecosystem on Mother Earth. The vitality of this amazing natural resource is often given less importance than it is deserves.

Soil is the beginning of a life and the end as well. Such an important resource should not be considered as just a medium of growth for plants. Soil must be believed as a living organism that is a fundamental component of successful and socially responsible agriculture. Quality of food produce in a farm greatly depends on the fertility, composition and preparation of the Soil.

God has created a beautiful ecosystem of microorganisms, animals and plants that support each other in the production of Good food. Our endeavor is to leverage on this bio diversity to produce and provide Organic and Densely nutritious food thus improving the social well-being of people. In this endeavor, we are 100% committed to practicing sustainable method of farming that ensures the enrichment of the natural resources, social economic growth of local communities and most importantly Food security.

Managing the Soil efficiently is the key to a sustainable farming operation. We recognize the inter link that maintaining and improving the soil fertility has on good profitable farming.

At our farm, in addition to growing in accordance to the organic principles, we practice the following methods to further enrich our soil and build fertility.
  • Minimum Tilling– Absorbs moisture content and the richness of the soil is retained
  • Crop rotation – prevents the occurrence of disease in crops
  • Cover crops – Prevents Soil Erosion via water and wind.
  • Companion planting.
  • Cover crops – Prevents Soil Erosion via water and wind
  • Application of livestock manure to soil - Enhances the growth of microorganisms

Microbial activity in the soil is the key to a healthy soil. Our best friend, Earthworm) helps lighten the soil, making routing easier, mixing the top soil and sub soil which enhances the microorganisms in the soil.